Thursday, 16 December 2010


In this part I am going to write about what we did for our filming in the production of our documentary.

In the Documentry our first interview was with the trichologist and the voudoo hairdressers in liverpool. We decided to do this as our documentary is about hair and we thought it would be good to have someone who deals with hair loss sufferers so it appealed to a wide audience. Unfortunately we couldnt use the footage as one was too loud and the other we had filmed wrong but we decided that we didnt need the high end hairdresser so we had to go back and film the Tricologist again.

I was involved in all the major filming in our production, the first being: we travelled to Park High school to interview a policeman about graffiti. We set up the mise-en-scene in the office of the Assistant Headteacher (Nye's Dad). We wanted the mise-en-scene to look like the office of the policeman. He was in full uniform which ofcourse anchored who he was. We shot him in medium close up, aligned to the left of the shot this was to later contrast with the interview with the Assistant heateacher who we aligned to the right. The interview went well, the mic worked, I asked the questions after helping get the framing right. Also on this night we got some shots from around the school, such as, the assembly hall and the outside of the building. Sadly after uploading this footage to the computer, it was deleted from the system when the computers went down in school. And my stupidity meant we recorded over the interview, as we thought it was all captured safely.

Tuesday, 14 December 2010


for our documentary we desided to create one on hair. To edit our documentary we used adobe premier pro, we captured the documentary then began to edit. this was a difficult part of the process this is because it was very time consuming. the images below are screen shots of the porcess we went through.

Tape logging

mise en scene and story board

codes and conventions of newspaper advertisement

  • Bold central image
  • Starts to form a narrative
  • Channel
  • Information
  • Clever image
  • Playing round with the presenter
  • Colour co-ordinated
  • Slogan - doesnt have to be snappy
  • 1 strong key image
  • Words kept to minimum
  • Logo
  • Scheduling

scripting radio trailer

  • Vox pops first
  • Voice over: 'Hair, Billions of pound are spent cutting it, cleaning it and making it perfect.
  • But what if you didnt have it?'
  • Part of the interview with the Trichologist
  • Part of the interview with Hair loss sufferer
  • Voice over: 'Hair, you either have it or you don't. Thursday at 9 on 4'

codes and conventions of radio trailers

  • Different voice to tell information
  • First voice will be in the programme
  • Voice over
  • Sound clips
  • Sound effect
  • Music behind voice over
  • Beginning clear

scripting voice over

Celebrity collage voiceover:

We spend billions of pound a year on hair, to look after our hair, keep up with hair fashions or to recreate our favourtie celebrities' looks. Many people admire celebrity hair styles and men are no exception Actor Patrick Dempsey was chosen the male celebrity with the most wanted hair for men. Also when out nation's sweetheart, Cheryl Cole, dyed her hair red, red bos dyes flew of the shelves, but would we want these celebrity styles if they didnt have any hair at all?


Some people unfortunately suffer from hair loss caused by stress, fungal infections, certain medicines, hair loss can also be caused be a serious operation or pregnancy and some have a serious case called tricholillomania whihc is the compulsive urge to pull out their own hair. It is recognized as a disorder leading to noticable hair loss, distres, and social or functional impairment. It is often chronic and dificult to treat.

Hairdresser Information

When it comes to happiness at work, hairdressers are a cut above therest. Hairdresser are the happiest worker in the UK, with two out of five syaing they are very content in their job. Clitens appreciate them because they make people feel good and look good, Hairdresser also have he opportunity to be theri own bosses. Part of their happiness in work is making clients happy with how hairdressers make them feel.

These were all the original scripts for the voice overs in our documentary however we had to cut them down to fit the size of the cut aways between interviews to link them together

Monday, 13 December 2010

Questionnaire for audience feedback


1. On a scale of 1-5 how did you find each of the following? (1 being not very 5 being very)
• Informative 1 2 3 4 5
• Engaging 1 2 3 4 5
• Relevant 1 2 3 4 5

2. Does the title relate to the content of the documentary? Yes No

3. How did you find the technical quality?
• Sound 1 2 3 4 5
• Editing 1 2 3 4 5
• Music 1 2 3 4 5
• Camera work 1 2 3 4 5
• Framing of interviews 1 2 3 4 5

4. Does the music relate to the documentary content? Yes No

5. Would it be appropriate to schedule this documentary on Channel 4? Yes No
Print advert

1. Does the print advert look like a real print advert? Yes No

2. Is it eye catching? Yes No

3. Is the image chosen relevant to the content of the documentary? Yes No

4. Does it follow the codes and convections of a real print advert? Yes No

5. Does the print advert make you want to watch the documentary? Yes No

Radio advert

1. Does the radio advert sound like a real radio advert? Yes No

2. Does the radio advert relate to the documentary? Yes No

3. Does the radio advert make you want to watch the documentary? Yes No

4. On a scale of 1 to 5 how did you find the following?

• Engaging 1 2 3 4 5
• Sound quality 1 2 3 4 5
• Music 1 2 3 4 5

Sunday, 12 December 2010

Print ad

When designing the print add wewanted to creat a divide of the girls face and hair. Showing one side is happy with hair and the other isnt without hair, it was difficult to make one side of the girls hair look like it isnt there however the shots which are closer up in editing looked better and more realistic that there is less hair on one side. We tryed her doing different expression, different poses and her doing differen things with her hair extensions, there was a number of good shot which were good but some looked like an advert for make up rather than an advert for a hair documentary. To create the writing on the print add i took different screen grabs of the writing on the channel for website to make the print add look more aurthentic, this was hard work but i think that it has paid and looks like an actual channel 4 advertisment

This picture was one of the choices for the picture on the print ad but we decided that it looked more to do with make up than it did hair.

This is the picture we chose to use on our print ad.

When designing the print add wewanted to creat a divide of the girls face and hair. Showing one side is happy with hair and the other isnt without hair, it was difficult to make one side of the girls hair look like it isnt there however the shots which are closer up in editing looked better and more realistic that there is less hair on one side. We tryed her doing different expression, different poses and her doing differen things with her hair extensions, there was a number of good shot which were good but some looked like an advert
for make up rather than an advert for a hair documentary. To create the writing on the print add i took different screen grabs of the writing on the channel for website to make the print add look more aurthentic, this was hard work but i think that it has paid and looks like an actual channel 4 advertisment

We took several images of a girl pulling her hair out and some of her holding her hair. we felt this would be a good idea to make it seem as though she is pulling her hair out, this is because out documentary includes a section on tricotillamania
Opening titles

Hairdresser and hair loss sufferer

The trichologist