This image shows how I have analysed Our product with another print advert from channel 4. Doing this shows how we have followed the codes and conventions of newspaper adverts .
In all of our interviews in the documentary it was essential that we followed how other documentries had done things. In no part of our documentary did we challenge or develop the forms and conventions, this is shown by the second screen grab that is shown underneith, this is a real life documentary and it shows how the framing has been followed in the opposite direction of our product. This interview will interest our target audience as it is not just about a hair loss sufferer, he starts to talk about hairdressing, although in one of our other interviews we have an interview with a trichologist, so in this interview we had to make sure the mise en scene was correct so we made it look as formal as we can and held the interview in her office.

This picture is a screen grab of a piece of our archive footage within the documentary. This archive footage is about a person with trichotillomania so it is basically an introduction for the first interview so it gives people an insight to what trichotillomania is.

Graphics are used in all of our interviews to introduce who the person is and what they do/ how they are relevant to the documentary. We used block white background for the name tags and did this as from our research into documentries the technique was shown in many others. We chose to keep it white because it was a colour that would stand out and be a suitable colour to stay consistent. It is important to include a name because it gives the audience and insight to who the interviewee is.

In our documentary we thought about the mise en scene quite well, the mise en scene helps illustrate to the audience about what/ who the person is or what he/she does as a career. For every one of our interviews we used cieling lighting and we tried to film the interview in fornt of something that related to the documentry itself.
Narrative Structure- The narrative structurw within our documentary flows quite well, as the documentary itself starts off with the trichologist, then flows through to the hair loss sufferer and he then starts to talk about hairdressing, the voice over is after that to link the next interview within with the second, and the last 2 interviews are hairdressers but for different genders.

The cutaways in our documentary are used to stop the audience getting dis engaged whilst watching it. Cutaways allow the documentary to flow mroe smoothly as they are key for the transition of two shots.

Cutaways can also be used in the editing process to help cover up any jumps where a section of the film has been cut out
Voice over
Like most documentaries we used the “voice of god” to address the audience. Our group made a script for the radio advert and voiceover of the documentary by looking at the codes and convections of real media products. We followed all codes and convections of the real products. For our radio advert we used sections from the documentary. Both the voiceovers are linked together with the title.
Use of sound
Throughout our documentary we used non-diegetic sound and diegetic sound, non-diegetic sound i.e. the music and voiceover where placed in the documentary during editing however the interviews where diegetic sound
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